Welcome Japan mail.

 to Jutine Huet さん。
It starts and Ichimura is.
It is 41 years old.
Thank you immediately for the mail crest.
Mr. Justin wants to do and to have a good environment can offered as a host family by me so that Japan may study Japanese with interesting.
Moreover, because I want also to study a French culture, it teaches.
Moreover, we will meet August 2 to the airport. It is PM7:55 minute.
My photograph is sent.
As for Matilda that stay was being done by my house, this photograph is a photograph when seeing off to the airport until the other day.
My wife is made easy to soak meeting you, too.
My best regards.
Minute of Japan standard time AM9:45
かみさんも帰ってくるので、うるさくなりそうで~す。ニコニコ。 横向き
来週も 国際交流ができて、楽しみです。ニコッ♪